Leaders Summit 2017

At the Leaders Summit each year, some of the best and brightest minds come together to discuss aged care and retirement living across two days. The Leaders Summit is the industry’s chance to reflect on customer needs and business trends, and look to address current and future challenges within the industry.
In 2017, the focus for discussions was “The impact of ‘care’ on the business of village communities in 2017”. Customer needs and expectations are rapidly changing, and business models need to respond with more flexible care models. As customers seek tailored solutions, providers are looking to deliver innovative accommodation and service models that fit with existing lifestyles. As a Bronze sponsor for the event, Tunstall Healthcare was a central part of this discussion, showcasing our range of innovative products and services, and demonstrating the flexibility and capability of connected healthcare.
Over two days, 29 leading experts from across the aged care sector presented on topics ranging from consumer directed care to peer-to-peer digital disruption. This year, the Leaders Summit also hosted a special conversation with Andrew Denton on Voluntary Assisted Dying and the role the care sector plays in facilitating discussions around this.
As delegates took in the broad range of topics, the event was also a great opportunity to meet colleagues from various disciplines and share thoughts and ideas. Tunstall delegates met with past and prospective clients, looking to take on current challenges and making the most of future opportunities. The partnerships and initiatives that have developed from the Leaders Summit will help to improve service delivery and ultimately improve outcomes for our customers.
We’re looking forward to next year’s event, and further opportunities to expand care solutions for customers, so be sure to keep an eye on news for Leaders Summit 2018. In the meantime, we have all the details on our latest connected healthcare solutions available now.